Do Less. Ask More.

July 3, 2022  

By Charlie Hutton

July 3, 2022

I don’t know if you’ve got kids, but I’ve been feeling sorry for Barney recently.

He’s only eight and for the last four weeks it seems the school is trying to forge him in fire with relentless “tests.”

I mean – fuck me.

Surely now and in this new age, there’s an understanding in the education system that tests will never be the making of any young man.

The funny thing is, when I was younger I was shit at exams. 

Especially the ones that needed words – like English.

Probably something to do with my mild dyslexia.

… And probably something to do with the fact that in my head, the letters of even the simplest of four-letter words get jumbled and fucked up.

Meaning, to scrape a past, my mantra for money had to become endless revision and all-nighters. 

A colossal clash of motivation and mindless monotony.

The stupid thing being, that back then, my fragile little mind figured life would be easier, simpler and more successful if I just had bigger brains.

Turns out I was wrong.

See one night I was moaning to my best friend Patrick about an exam and my upcoming plan for revision.

Patrick responded with a look like I was deranged and deluded. 

“Chuck, what the fuck. Why do you do it like that?!”

Now, Patrick’s dad was a Teacher…

… And over the next hour he showed me how to give answers, so I got marks and passed – regardless of how ass-backwards my spelling was.

That next exam? 

Nailed it.

This brings me to the point of this email today.

… I sense too many good men still suffer and silence, trying to figure out how to pass each and every test that we face – alone.

Something I’d have you consider is utter dumb fuckery that leads to nothing more than overwhelm, overstretch and persecution.

It’s why in my experience and thanks to the life lesson from Patricks dad, the name of the game must become:

Do less. Ask more.

Understand that as the art and science of asking questions of those that already have the answers and have figured shit out.

In my mind, there’s no faster way to start standing tall among giants.

It’s why on Wednesday I fly out to Rome for a private mastermind meeting.

… So I personally can stop the rot, get some perspective and continue to bear down and drive on – without fucking shit up.

Remember – life is short and this game moves fast. 

… So ditch the stairs to the top, and take the lift instead. 

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

Charlie Hutton


Founder Of The One Man Empire Movement.

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

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