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[NEW Episode] “Incarcerated Or Dead” With Ernie Vargas

November 2, 2022  

By Charlie Hutton

November 2, 2022

If you’re interested in the most powerful and effective way for men to mentally flick a switch that unlocks untapped potential – then this latest episode of The One Man Empire Show will show you how:

> https://onemanempireshow.captivate.fm/listen

… Let me explain.

On a hot California day and with the sun beating down on the highway, Ernie was driving to his new job when he was ejected from the driver seat of his car. Flung across three lanes of traffic, he immediately lost life-threatening amounts of blood and was placed on machine support at the scene. 

Left lifeless, limp and in a coma, they said if he made it through the next few hours it would be a miracle… 

Little did they know that Ernie had other ideas. Probably had something to do with where he was born, how he grew up, and what he’d witnessed on the streets.

So instead of slipping away silently in his sleep, he chose to wake up and embark a one-man mission to unlock his true potential and be the man he was born to be.

… But that’s just one of his sensational stories and doesn’t even touch the surface of what you can learn from this man today.

That said and instead of continuing to blow more smoke up your arse about how much of a legend this man is… let me get you to the meat and potatoes of the matter.

Because I’ve just published an interview with him on The One Man Empire Show, and you can listen to it here first.

> https://onemanempireshow.captivate.fm/listen

Truth is if you are in a place where you are starting to feel that you have untapped potential screaming to be let out… and… you don’t action what you hear… You might be dangerously close to standing still at best and going backward at worse.

So if you’d like to jump in and listen to this episode, of The One Man Empire show, for FREE, here’s what to do now:

Go here now to listen on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

> https://onemanempireshow.captivate.fm/listen

Let’s do this.

Make More. Provide More. Be More

Charlie Hutton


Founder Of The One Man Empire Movement.

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

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