Private Journal Entry…

November 13, 2020  

By Charlie Hutton

November 13, 2020

I wrote this down yesterday:

“You fucking Moran. That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Waiting for the vaccine and the New Year is going to BURY YOU. You’ve just told me your competitors are coming and your customers are leaving. Your family is depending on you NOW – NOT THEN. Fuck, I can’t believe you are even entertaining this idea. If I see you bitching and moaning online that everything’s gone to rat shit – it will be your own fucking fault. How dare you waste my time on the phone by using this an excuse to be a lazy piece of shit ARRRRRRRH – IDIOT how to these people manage to get up and survive in the real world. Fuck me!!!!”


… Do I ever feel better getting that off my chest 🙂

It was something I immediately unleashed and screamed onto the page after an interview with a potential candidate for The Fellowship this morning…

Needless to say, he didn’t cut the mustard and won’t be coming to join us.

Anyway, this all comes back to One Man Empire Law #76:

Anger Always Stops Action

… It’s why, whenever I get pissed off, frustrated or need to scream bloody murder at someone, I immediately write down, unfiltered, exactly what I NEED to unleash to their face, but can’t – because that would make me an arsehole.

Truth is, the pure action of putting pen to paper always…

  • Releases the rage…
  • Empowers you not them…
  • And puts you back in control…

Lesson being – men like you and I can’t afford to let anything stew.

Anger and resentment is the curse of the self-made man.

Always, always, ALWAYS let it out with hellfire and fury on paper and without filter.

Make More. Provide More. Be More. 


Founder Of The One Man Empire Movement.

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

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