The Truth About Lying

January 16, 2022  

By Charlie Hutton

January 16, 2022

Yesterday I got caught in a lie.

Not a big one, but one nonetheless that will have the power to start stealing my soul if I fail to nip the behaviour in the bud.

Because here’s the thing:

Men don’t lie.

Boys do.

… Boys lie when they’re wrong.

… Boys lie about their mistakes.

… Boys lie to cover their tracks.

Men like you and I, however, should know better and should operate with a code of conduct ruthlessly founded in honesty and integrity.

That my friend means:

• Recognising mistakes.

• Owning actions.

• Delivering on promises.

No matter how big and no matter how small.

It seems to many men in this game today are falling at the first hurdle.

You only need to spend 5 minutes online to see the lies being told about the money they make, the women they date, the life they create.

Making your mantra for money this week being to ruthlessly tell the truth at all times and at all costs.

There are no white lies.

Integrity is honour.

And honour is what separates men from pigs.

After all, if a man cannot be trusted to own his own words, what can he be trusted with?

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

Charlie Hutton

PS. Encase you’re wondering – the lie?

Well that my friend was as simple as Barney asking me this:

“Dad will you come and play…”

My response and promise:

“Yes, Barney – in two minutes…”

Yet it took twenty-five minutes until I sat down with him and played.

Like I’ve said, bullshit behaviour of the highest order.

After all, if I can’t be truthful to Barney, how can I expect him to be truthful to me.

That all said, the lie is irrelevant.

The willingness and speed to breach my integrity are not.


Founder Of The One Man Empire Movement.

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