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The Ultimate Question For The Self Made Man That Doubles Your Power And Inspires You To Do Epic Shit

June 27, 2021  

By Charlie Hutton

June 27, 2021

Question from Barney (my 7 year old), thrown at me on Friday as we bolted out the door and embarked on the walk to school:

“Daaaaad what are you looking forward to MOST today…”

Hmmmm… and holy shit.

An interview and interrogation, that after a quick pause was answered with:

“Completing the Age Of Conquest project.”

Now here’s the interesting thing about that cross-examination, and why in my blatantly biased belief, Barney will go further than most.

… Especially if he starts demanding that answer of himself, each and every single morning.

See instead of mentally masturbating on all the possible shit that “might” occur over the next 12-18 hours, that question forces you and I, my friend, to focus on forward momentum.

Or in other words, switching gears from:


… A subtle shift for any self made man that causes optimism for what the day will bring – instead overwhelm.

Now, I don’t know about you, but in my experience when it comes to the most successful self-made men to have ever walked the planet, optimism is what really separates the men from the boys.

It’s why this week, I’ve made it Barney’s moral obligation to interrogate me with that question each and every single morning, and before we leave the house.

Truth is, this week, you too, would be wise to conduct the same daily internal interrogation focused on fortitude and fortune.

Afterall if you don’t switch gears, who else will? 

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

Charlie “I Am A One Man Empire” Hutton


Founder Of The One Man Empire Movement.

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

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